Graphic Design

Brand Identity


Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) has been involved with some very innovative initiatives aimed at strengthening learning opportunities for children ages 0 to 5. The school district and its partners who are part of the Fresno Starting Smart and Strong collaborative developed the Language Learning Project to support multilingual learning and caregiver/child engagement. The Language Learning Project project has become so successful that it has been adopted by a number of other school districts and entities across the country. The project was quickly needing a brand identity of its own. So FUSD staff enlisted the support of LightBox Collaborative, with me as lead designer, to develop the brand visual identity for the Language Learning Project.

I put together this simple visual identity guidebook to articulate the basic elements of the Language Learning Project’s brand visual identity system. The FUSD team chose a logo form that evokes joyful interaction and conversation between adults and children. 



fresno Unified SCHOOL DISTRICT early learning

case study